We are experts in asbestos identification, assessment and management. More than 60 countries globally have banned the use of asbestos because disturbing any amount of asbestos can release fibres into the air. These could be inhaled or swallowed, which may lead to diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer or mesothelioma in later years.
As a result, the OHS/WHS Regulations include specific obligations to manage and control asbestos and asbestos containing material (ACM) at workplaces. All workplaces must:
Particular caution needs to be taken with buildings constructed prior to 2004 or newer buildings that may have used recycled materials, reused old plant equipment containing ACM gaskets and/or linings or imported products.
As one of Australia’s leading asbestos experts for over 35 years, we have conducted asbestos and hazardous materials audits, managed asbestos removal projects, conducted air monitoring, issued clearances and developed asbestos training programs for organisations of all sizes and across all industries.
To protect your workers and meet all legal requirements, it’s important to get the right advice to properly navigate this highly regulated area of occupational health and safety.
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