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Noise Management

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Noise Management

Noise is defined as a sound that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. Our role is to help you identify whether any sound emissions you produce are exceeding relevant standards. If so, we will provide you with guidance to achieve compliance. 

The best way to determine whether your noise problem is occupational or environmental is by determining who is being affected. If it is your employees, it is an occupational noise problem and this is governed by the work health and safety standards. If it is other parties on adjacent properties or the community, this is an environmental issue and will be governed by the Environmental Protection Agency. 

JTA can help you determine what sort of noise issue you have and then recommend how you can meet your compliance obligations.  

Occupational Noise

Occupational noise is defined as noise in the workplace. The effects of exposure are dependent on frequency, loudness, and duration. 

Excessive noise is considered an occupational hazard.  Too much noise at work can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss, or tinnitus – ringing in the ears. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the single greatest cause of permanent hearing loss in Australia. While NIHL is almost entirely preventable, once you have it the damage is irreversible.

We’ll determine the level of occupational noise and then assess the risks associated with it and provide recommendations for implementing risk control measures.

Environmental Noise

Environmental noise is unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activity, such as noise or vibrations emitted by transport, traffic, industrial activity, construction sites, public events or entertainment venues.

When environmental noise is loud or continuous it can lead to stress, sleep disturbance, poor mental health and negatively affect people’s wellbeing. As specialists in environmental noise, we can assist with planning, license and permit conditions and ensure you comply with all relevant regulations, council requirements and EPA policies and guidelines.

Building Acoustics

Building acoustics is the science of controlling or minimising sound in buildings within specific spaces or the transmission of it from one space to another. It is an important consideration in the design, operation and construction of most buildings. We assist you to find solutions to your noise issues including acoustic advice to help deal with existing problems and sound prediction modelling at the design stage to minimise your noise issues before building commences.

As an employer or business owner you must identify, assess and control the noise risk to your employees and people in the community. Our Acoustic Specialists and highly experienced Occupational Hygienists use state-of-the-art noise and vibration monitoring equipment to provide you with the best service and advice possible.


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