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How Much Money Does The Flu Cost You?

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How Much Money Does The Flu Cost You?

on 10 Feb 2015 4:07 PM
Blog Category: Health Blog

Think about how many days of work your employees missed last year as a result of the flu. Then consider how many more they cost you when they came to work sick and infected other employees. Unfortunately, people are going to get sick and it’s going to impact your business.

Providing onsite flu vaccinations for all your staff makes a lot of sense if you want to maintain a healthy and productive workforce. The easier you make it for employees to be vaccinated, the more likely they are to do so. It’s a quick and easy procedure that more than returns its investment when compared to the time and money that sick employees will cost you annually.

Even back in 1995, The New England Journal of Medicine reported on a research study entitled ‘The Effectiveness of Vaccination against Influenza in Healthy, Working Adults’. This study concluded that vaccination against the flu had substantial health-related and economic benefits for healthy, working adults. Their main findings were that immunisation:

Based on their observed decreases in sick leave and visits to doctors for upper respiratory illness, the study estimated that vaccination was associated with cost savings of at least $US46.85 per person vaccinated.

Key Benefits of Workplace Flu Vaccination Programs

Reduced Employee Absenteeism

You’ll have less workers taking sick leave due to the flu which will translate to less of the associated costs and disruption which unexpected sick leave can create.

Improved Productivity

When employees are sick and either take sick leave or come to work sick, it can have a detrimental effect on your productivity. A healthierworkforce means that your productivity won’t be negatively impacted and you’ll have fewer days with reduced productivity.

Strengthens Employee/Employer Relationships

Providing onsite, free flu vaccinations shows your staff that you care about them. This will have a positive impact on your relationship. Happy and content staff are more likely to want to try harder and work more efficiently.

Each year there are different flu strains in circulation which necessitates the development of a flu vaccine specific to that year. This means that even if someone had the flu or got a flu vaccination one year, the body’s immune system might be unable to fight the changed version of the virus that will be circulating the following year. This, together with the fact that immunity to vaccination wanes over time, is why an annual flu vaccination is highly recommended.

How to maximise the benefits to your business of a Flu Vaccination program

Step 1: Plan + arrange the clinic

Step 2: Promote the clinic

Step 3: The day of the clinic

If you’re concerned about the ever increasing cost of sick leave, business continuity and the welfare of staff, a flu vaccination program is one of the simplest and most effective ways of protecting your workforce’s health and productivity.Employees are an important asset to your company and keeping them healthy and well is good business practice that benefits both them and you.

For information about the JTA onsite Corporate flu vaccination program please give us a call on 1300 856 282

You can Request a Quote if you’d like to know more about the costs associated with our Flu Vaccination program.

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