At JTA we value the safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and suppliers. Currently we are actively monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and we are implementing our business contingency plans to keep our employees and clients safe.
We wanted to take this opportunity to share with you what we are doing to make sure we are reducing the risk of spread of the virus.
How We Are Managing The Risks For Our Employees And Customers:
As many of our employees interact with different members of the public, either through delivering training courses, conducting hearing tests or flu vaccinations or, working side by side with clients on your premises consulting, we are taking steps to ensure we mitigate exposure risks.
Current controls we have in place include:
- No personal contact with clients such as shaking hands;
- Self-quarantine for anyone showing COVID-19 signs such as fever, coughs, sore throat, shortness of breath and a medical clearance before returning to work;
- Medical clearance and testing for potential and infected employee cases to COVID-19;
- Practicing good hygiene throughout each day;
- 14-day self-quarantine requirements for any employee returning from overseas travel;
- Executive approval for all overseas travel for work;
- Providing constant updates and education to our employees as needed;
- Implementing remote working solutions if needed;
- Constant review of government and medical information sources;
- Additionally, we have protocols in place that activate closures, disinfection and appropriate quarantine procedures based on recommendations by government and health agencies.
We Need Your Help:
We are taking every precaution to ensure the safety and health of our employees, suppliers and customers but we need your help. As part of the shared duties, we ask that specific recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services be implemented where possible.
Briefly, we are asking you to:
- Monitor your employees and send them home if they are presenting with any of the symptoms outlined below;
- If you or your employees have recently returned from overseas travel, you must ensure they self-quarantine for a minimum 14 days in accordance with the recent government directions;
- If you or any of your employees are suspected as having the COVID-19 virus or you are notified of a confirmed case following a site visit from one of our Consultants, that you notify us within 12 hours or ASAP of you becoming aware of such information;
- Where possible use digital solutions to communicate and interact with our employees;
- When working with any of our team, please ensure you are aware of the social distancing protocol as advised by the Australian government.
We will continue to operate in a very fluid and changing environment. Our role is to remain balanced in our outlook and we continue to make decisions focusing on the welfare of our staff and clients, based on the most recent information available.
As events continue to unfold, JTA will consistently review and improve its approach to identifying potential risks and implementing mitigation activities as more becomes known of the virus.
Thank you and we will keep you updated.
Rhonda Hafey
Chief Executive Officer