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Safety Blog

Influenza spreads much faster than you might think. Contamination of a single doorknob can lead to the spread of virus throughout an entire office building or hotel in as little as two hours, according to a new study from the University of Arizona.

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on 16 Feb 2015 5:34 PM

A recent internet discussion on the recommendation in the British HSE document ‘HSG 53 'Respiratory Protective Equipment at Work - a practical guide’ for a maximum of 1 hour continuous wear time for any un-powered RPE raised some interesting points. Several people in the occupational hygiene or allied fields commented to the effect that no-one should offer an opinion unless they had “walked a mile in the shoes” of workers required to do this.

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on 14 Oct 2014 3:37 AM

In recent years there have been numerous fatalities involving the collapse of masonry structures. Masonry structure failures have occurred at a range of workplaces including residential and commercial construction and demolition sites. In each instance a change had occurred such as recent construction, recent demolition or the addition of extra load.

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on 11 Aug 2014 4:12 PM

It is hard to associate a name like Mr Fluffy with something as sinister as asbestos. Mr Fluffy was the trading name of the company responsible for insulating over 1000 ACT homes with a highly friable form of crocidolite (blue) asbestos – the most toxic form of asbestos.

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on 02 Jun 2014 1:48 PM

Having spent a bit of time working offshore as an OHS/WHS "ring in" on various vessels, including small and medium sized ships and various platforms and rigs it is my experience that TVs can be a toxic presence for people, like me, that do not know anyone on board particularly well.

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on 25 Feb 2014 10:00 PM

A recent incident in the UK leading to a prosecution emphasizes the stark contrast between OHS/WHS "Haves" and "Have-Nots" – organisations that systematically and effectively manage and resource OHS/WHS and those that do not. Which one are you?

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on 03 Dec 2013 10:20 AM

OHS/WHS Regulations are complex and wide in scope encompassing asbestos, hazardous substances, noise, plant and high risk work. The regulations are supported by compliance codes, guidance notes and Australian Standards which provide specific direction on issues such as storage and handling of dangerous goods; design of ladders, platforms and walkways; electrical testing and tagging; and lighting and ventilation.

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on 14 Oct 2013 7:25 AM

The Telstra "debacle" has put the asbestos debate back into the news with comments by Malcolm Turnbull, the opposition communications spokesperson,and $10.5 million pledged for asbestos protection by the Federal Government as reported in The Age on 19th June.

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on 26 Aug 2013 6:20 AM