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mental health
Posted July 18, 2018 | Category: Health Blog, Safety Blog
One in five Australian workers is currently experiencing a mental illness1. This means that the impact of mental illness in the workplace is going to be significant in terms of lost productivity, turnover of staff, absenteeism and the impact on other workers. Sane Australia conducted research which showed that 95% of respondents believed that employers and managers need more education and training about how to manage the effects of mental illness in the workplace. This makes it easy to understand why Safe Work Australia released a National Guidance on Work-related Psychological Health and Safety on the 14th June this year.
Are you ready?
Posted May 18, 2018 | Category: Safety Blog
Whilst not compulsory, if you’re serious about a safe workplace and managing health and safety risks in a proactive manner, then the new ISO 45001 Standard released in March this year is well worth considering. It’s expected to become the primary reference for Health and Safety Management Systems worldwide. Attaining certification will demonstrate your company’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe workplace. It will also ensure that your company’s undertakings don’t negatively impact on other employees, worksites, the general public or visitors.
Posted February 06, 2018 | Category: Health Blog
The case of 27 year old Cameron Harper who has been diagnosed with Silicosis is a lesson for us all. His disease has been linked to lax health and safety standards. As a stonemason he wasn't provided with the proper PPE - clearly the responsibility of his employer. Silicosis, the disease caused by exposure to crystalline silica, is associated with elevated risk of cancer and severe pulmonary fibrosis disease and has been in the news recently due to calls for a national response to protect tradesmen. Are you doing everything you need to do to protect your staff?
Posted February 06, 2018 | Category: Health Blog
The 2016-17 Progress Report on the National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Management and Awareness shows increased focus across Australia on asbestos management and awareness. With the ultimate goal of eliminating asbestos-related disease in Australia, the Federal Government's Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency continues to provide a national focus on asbestos issues including compliance with Asbestos Awareness.
more inspectors
Posted December 07, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog, Noise Blog
WorkSafe Victoria recently added 22 new Inspectors whilst 3 new Inspectors have been added by WorkSafe in the ACT. The bottom line is that each State in Australia has a regulating body who manages compliance of the WHS/OHS laws and an Inspector could visit your workplace at any time. The question is, are you ready for them?
Update On Asbestos In Roofing
Posted May 25, 2018 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog
Due to widespread historic use, asbestos roofing is now a major problem in some commercial buildings. Exposure to the elements over the years means it is more likely to have deteriorated than asbestos used elsewhere. The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency has just released a new report that looks at current ways of containing and stabilising asbestos, particularly in roofing. The idea is to make the asbestos safer to remain in place or to help make it safer whilst it’s removed.
Five New Compliance Codes
Posted May 18, 2018 | Category: Safety Blog, Noise Blog
This is a summary of the five new Compliance Codes developed by WorkSafe Victoria and released in March 2018. It highlights the changes from previous compliance codes. Basically, with the exception of Hazardous Manual Handling, it seems to be “steady as she goes” with minor revisions and the continued support of audiometric testing and the use of personal noise dosimeters or personal noise exposure meters for noise exposure assessments. WorkSafe says that the new compliance codes have been updated to reflect the OHS Regulations 2017 and Equipment (Public Safety) Regulations 2017 as well as modern work practices.
Posted February 06, 2018 | Category: Health Blog
We may love being a 'sunburnt country' but all the facts and figures show that excessive heat is dangerous. As employers, it is your duty to keep your workers safe from the risks of working in the heat. In relation to this, SafeWork Australia released a new guide on 8th December 2017 called 'Managing The Risks of Working in Heat'.
Posted December 07, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog
The deadly Grenfell tower fire in London is a grim warning for Australia. In October, Four Corners revealed that Australian suppliers were aware of the risks associated with using polyethylene (PE) cladding on high-rise buildings, but they continued to import and sell it. Now the Victorian Cladding Taskforce has released an interim report with tough recommendations. Could your building be at risk?
adopting technology
Posted December 07, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog
Technology is constantly evolving and plays an integral part in transforming the way we all work. It’s also being used for the successful management of health and safety in an organisation and there’s no doubt that it has reduced health and safety incidents. At JTA we are actively embracing technology to improve the way we conduct business as well as to improve the service we provide to our customers. Two projects have significantly changed the way we work and could be of interest and benefit to your business.