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Posted April 22, 2020 | Category: Webinars
There’s a lot of misinformation doing the rounds about what we should and shouldn’t do during the COVID-19 crisis. No wonder we’re all uncertain about how to keep ourselves, our families and our employees safe. Each day presents new challenges.
Posted March 20, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized
At JTA we value the safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and suppliers. Currently we are actively monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and we are implementing our business contingency plans to keep our employees and clients safe.
Useful Links
Posted January 21, 2020 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog
We’ve compiled a list of links that is useful for businesses in fire affected areas to help manage the risks to people and property. Please let us know if there are any other links you think we should add.
Around The Globe
Posted October 28, 2019 | Category: Noise Blog, Uncategorized
Jeremy Trotman, JTA founder and principal Occupational Hygienist, recently collaborated with two other Australian Occupational Hygienists to run a full day Noise workshop at the 4th Indonesian Industrial Hygiene Association Conference (IIHA) in Bali on 9-11th September. Our Indonesian colleagues are facing major challenges in improving worker health and Jeremy said “It was most rewarding to be able to assist them a little bit with assessing and controlling noise, which remains one of the greatest causes of industrial injury here in Australia and no doubt other countries as well.”
changes to lead regulations
Posted October 28, 2019 | Category: Safety Blog
Lead is a naturally occurring metal used in industry. In the past lead was added to petrol and paints. As it can be hazardous when inhaled or swallowed its use falls under the OHS/WHS regulations. Last year Safe Work Australia lowered the blood lead levels in Australian workplaces and this has now filtered through to changes in regulations in individual states as well.
Posted April 08, 2020 | Category: Safety Blog
Facemasks: to wear or not to wear, what type, what are their capabilities – here are some facts for you. Firstly, there is great sense in the official policy (as per the ABC Website) that “face masks are not recommended for healthy individuals, but essential for health workers and sick people”.
Fall Prevention
Posted March 10, 2020 | Category: Safety Blog
WorkSafe inspectors in Victoria are checking construction sites to make sure fall risks are being controlled including if scaffolds are safe and fit for purpose. Construction is a known high fall risk sector accounting for 37% of falls-related fatalities however all workplaces where falls are a risk need to consider their controls. Sadly, according to Safe Work Australia, more than one in 10 work-related fatalities are caused by a fall from height and, as recently as the 3rd February this year, a serious accident involving scaffolding was in the news. 
Smoke Haze
Posted January 21, 2020 | Category: Safety Blog, Health Blog
Organisations have a duty to ensure they provide a safe workplace, so far as reasonably practicable and this duty extends to managing exposure to bushfire smoke. Workers with greater sensitivity, such as those with asthma, cardiac or pulmonary conditions or those conducting strenuous or prolonged work outside are at greatest risk, especially in hazardous levels. WorkSafe Victoria has released guidance on bushfire smoke which outlines the general approach organisations should take to managing their workers exposure to bushfire smoke.
New Dosimetry Badge
Posted October 28, 2019 | Category: Noise Blog
When the Victorian Noise Compliance Code was updated in 2018, it raised the bar for WorkSafe expectations of noise assessments. Of particular note was the requirement to use dosimetry to measure personal sound exposure for mobile employees and in areas difficult or unsafe to use hand held sound level meters.
New Dosimetry Badge
Posted August 27, 2019 | Category: Noise Blog
JTA has now taken the next step in leading the industry by incorporating state of the art dosimetry equipment into our assessments. These new dosimeters can do all of the functions standard dosimeters can but with some valuable extra capabilities such as recording octave band data, audio, high vibration levels, statistical noise levels and all while being intrinsically safe.