There are some tasks in a business property renovation that should be left to the experts. Asbestos identification is one of them.
There are some tasks in a business property renovation that should be left to the experts. Asbestos identification is one of them.
Complying with and managing OHS is often seen as an increasing burden, one that takes up precious time and money. It’s essential for all businesses to remove this task from the ‘too-hard basket' and make it a priority.
Noise modelling can be a powerful tool in assessing noise from industry facilities with a large number of noise sources.
It can accurately determine what noise sources are the main contributors to noise pollution in the surrounding environment and how the noise environment will change when problem noise sources are controlled.
A study involving 209 dosimetry measurements and 100 area measurements in four Swedish paper mills supported the use of dosimetry, in the characterisation of noise exposures in conjunction with sound pressure levels, over sound pressure levels on their own. The analysis showed that dosimetry measures, had the highest estimated validity coefficient (0.70), and that area measurements (0.40) were significantly less accurate at predicting exposure.
Now we’re in the midst of summer our exposure to ultra violet radiation from the sun generally increases due to the larger area of skin exposed to sunlight and the increase in sunlight UV levels.
These two factors result in an increased risk of developing skin cancer, with outdoor workers receiving five to 10 times more sun exposure than indoor workers, putting them at a higher risk.
Damage to hearing can occur from exposure to very loud noise for a short time or prolonged exposure to moderate noise levels and can begin immediately or gradually.
Depending on the intensity of the noise and the duration of exposure, hearing loss can range from a small shift in the threshold at which sounds at different frequencies can be detected, to total deafness.
In recent times press articles have indicated that mould might be the new asbestos. Let’s look at the facts.
Asbestos is a proven human carcinogen with a history of occupational exposures which accounts for hundreds of deaths each year in Australia from mesothelioma and more from lung and other cancers.
In March 2016 The Victorian Premier announced the establishment of a dedicated agency to target and prioritise the removal of asbestos in government buildings – including hospitals and schools - across Victoria.
The Andrews’ Government stated that the Victoria Asbestos Eradication Agency (VAEA) will create a comprehensive and consolidated register of asbestos in Victorian government buildings to ensure the removal of asbestos in buildings of greatest concern are dealt with first.
*UPDATE* Quadrivalent Vaccine NOW AVAILABLE
Each year the World Health Organization (WHO) puts forward its recommendations for the composition of the influenza virus for the Southern Hemisphere influenza season. This year this includes two influenza A strains and one influenza B strain.
Over the past 10 years, these three recommended strains have accounted for an average of 94% of all influenza cases reported in Australia.
For the 2016 flu season, some manufacturers have chosen to include a fourth strain – an additional influenza B strain.
Statistics show that 1 in 5 adult Australians suffer from a mental illness, often as a result of chronic stress, which ultimately impacts their work. Therefore, taking care of employee mental health not only shows good ethics, but it’s also good for business.
It’s been estimated that the annual cost to a company of an employee with untreated depression is $9,660. Amazingly, untreated depression results in over 6 million working days lost each year in Australia. That’s a lot of wasted production!