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Compliance Landscape
Posted August 01, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog
In the area of compliance, change is a fact of life and you can’t afford to take a breather. At the moment, there are two changes that you need to be aware of. The Australian Standard 1940 Storage and handling of flammable substances, the most comprehensive and frequently used of the dangerous goods storage and handling Standards has been under review and the new edition is due out very soon. Based on its growth over previous editions the new version should be about 1000 pages (joking!).
Posted August 01, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

As you’re no doubt aware, on the 17th of June the new OHS Regulations 2017 came into effect in Victoria. Some significant changes have been made, so it’s vital to know how they will affect you. This is especially true if you have asbestos in your workplace, are involved with hazardous chemicals or are in the construction or mining industry.

Regulators have reworded some of the existing laws to clarify their scope. The new legislation also uses a simpler consecutive numbering system.

You will need to pay special attention to these new laws, if your workplace:

Posted April 06, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

Cyclone Debbie may have passed, but conditions are still potentially hazardous for residents who are now attempting to clean up the mess left behind. It is understandable that a natural disaster will elicit a hugely emotional response for affected residents as they survey the damage to their homes.

Posted February 28, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

technician rolling the barrel with toxic substanceOn the 1st of January 2017, the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) became mandatory in all Australian states except Victoria and Western Australia.

Those affected by these changes include manufacturers, importers, suppliers and users of hazardous chemicals in workplaces.  



Posted February 13, 2017 | Category: Noise Blog

A group friends in there late 20s are socialising, eating and drinking together in a bar and restaurant. They are all dressed casual and smiling and laughing with one another.   Summer is often a time for eating out while you enjoy warm nights and long days of sunlight. A time to catch up with friends and family, exchange news and relax over good food and perhaps a glass of Rosé or a cheeky Sauv Blanc.

Alt, Alt, Alt
Posted August 01, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

Whilst statistics show that the Australian annual work-related fatality rate is actually decreasing, this should not lull you into a false sense of security. Safety complacency still kills! What can you do to ensure you don’t join these statistics?

Posted April 20, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

The recent news regarding the asbestos incident at Cremorne in Sydney, is yet another reminder of the importance of responsible and safe asbestos management.

Posted March 07, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

Did you know that as a company director, you could be held personally liable for occupational health and safety incidents at your workplace?

There are a number of different state regulations that could attribute fault to a director when a workplace accident occurs.

For the purposes of this article, we will highlight some vital discussion points based on offences categorised and punishable under the various legislation in each state.

Posted February 28, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

With a yearly trend towards higher rainfall and warmer temperatures, indoor air quality is becoming a hot issue. According to the Bureau of Meteorology, the Australian climate hit many record highs in 2016.


Posted January 23, 2017 | Category: Safety Blog

Street After a Flood with Safety ConesAfter an extreme weather event, it is difficult to know where to start the clean-up. The feeling of being overwhelmed can make it hard to digest conflicting information, much of which is incomplete and can leave you exposed to unforeseen risks.